Simple clone

cd /[destination-directory]
sudo git clone https://[account][account]/machine-learning.git
cd machine-learning
git remote add upstream[account]/machine-learning.git

Note: [destination-directory] corresponds to the desired directory path, where the project repository resides. [account] corresponds to the git username, where the repository is being cloned from. If the original repository was forked, then use your git username, otherwise, use jeff1evesque.

Commit hash

cd /[destination-directory]
sudo git clone https://[account][account]/machine-learning.git
cd machine-learning
git remote add upstream[account]/machine-learning.git
# stop vagrant
vagrant halt
# ensure diffs don't prevent checkout, then checkout hash
git checkout -- .
git checkout [hash]

Note: the hashes associated with a release, can be found under the corresponding tag value, on the release page.

Note: [destination-directory] corresponds to the desired directory path, where the project repository resides. [account] corresponds to the git username, where the repository is being cloned from. If the original repository was forked, then use your git username, otherwise, use jeff1evesque.

Release tag

cd /[destination-directory]
# clone release tag: master branch does not exist
sudo git clone -b [release-tag] --single-branch --depth 1[account]/machine-learning.git [destination-directory]
git remote add upstream[account]/machine-learning.git
# create master branch from remote master
cd machine-learning
git checkout -b master
git pull upstream master
# return to release tag branch
git checkout [release-tag]

Note: [release-tag] corresponds to the release tag value, used to distinguish between releases.

Note: [destination-directory] corresponds to the desired directory path, where the project repository resides. [account] corresponds to the git username, where the repository is being cloned from. If the original repository was forked, then use your git username, otherwise, use jeff1evesque.